This article will not only tell you about the story of us that how it forced us going from being an e-commerce seller to start our own marketplace for every business like us to keep up their business alive even during such increasing competitive market not only from small businesses around us but also indirectly from the giant company nowadays. and how it is going to benefit the businesses of those who are really very curious and serious to keep their customers together and away from their competitors.

so now you people must have understood it well (abhi tak aap log yeh achhe se samajh gaye hoge), ki yeh Kiske liye hai, yeh unke liye hai jo apne business ke liye apni jimmedari achhe se samajhte hai, yeh unke liye hai jo ek ecommerece ya apna koi bhi business kar rahe hai, yeh unke liye hai hai jo apne business ke liye kuchh apna karna chahate hai, yeh unke liye hai jo aaj ke competition ke bich me bhi apne business ki ek pehachaan banana chahate hai, yeh unke liye hai jo apne customer se hamesha judna chahate hai, yeh unke liye hai jo aaj ke samay ke saath me apne pure business ko apne haath me manage karna chahate hai.
Just name at least one customer like this
even though we are a new platform but what if we ask you all just to tell us the name of at least one customer “jo tumko tumahare business and brand ke name se jaanta hoga ya tumahara Aisa koi customer jo tumhe achhe se jaanta hai, ya Ek Aisa koi Bhi customer jinko tum jaante ho, shayad e-commerce selling me koi Hoga Aisa.”
What Mr. Mukesh Ambani sir said
As already said by Mr. Mukesh Ambani sir that “the data is the new oil of every business for their better future to always keep going in the long term” and I anil say this “The customers are also the engine of every business that keeps your business always running.”
But you don’t even know at least your single customer
lekin naahi tumahara koi customer tumhe jaanta hai, naahi tumahare paas apna koi customer hai aur naahi tumahare paas apne customer ke baare me koi jaankari kyu ki agar yeh business tumahara hai to iski jimmedari bhi honi chahiye tumahari, to isliye ab apne business ki pehachaan bhi banana hai aur apne sales ko apne aap badhana hai, ab apne business ke liye kuchh apna karo, now it’s time to do your business with complete transperency and ndependency kyu ki “Goodsdream ki yahi hai policy”.
Now every customer keeps important
Because now in this running time, every customer keeps very important for every business as similar as the better health keeps most important for every person in the life.
if you might have read this so far, you must be well-understood then something bit about the core purpose and value that we are working toward the every e-commerce business and all other businesses like us and how we are trying to make it on behalf of us all.
Use only just one platform over multiple
Now if I ask you where we keep our products and inventory mostly, sure many of you will just say on other existing platforms, but what if I ask you where we build our business profile, as obvious you will say on social media but what if I ask you where you write about your business and reviews and tell your customers & clients, you will then say this on the Google this is how we use multiple platforms for our business but what if I just ask you where you keep and manage your customers, and where you keep the data and accounting of your business, and where your customer see more or find more about your business & brand identity directly, and also they should be now able to search about your business for your product and services. so here Goodsdream comes to manage everything for your business with you that always allows you first to build your own personalized brand store of your every business as it is a direct D2C brand to represent your entire business and brand in front of your customers, where you can manage your every inventory & product, you can build your own business profile as social media, and also you can write about your business and tell about your business in front of every customer, everything you will be able to manage just from one place instead of going around over multiple platforms.
Now register your business and manage your business with the very easiness
basically, as soon as you go to Goodsdream to register your business, you can only register just within 120 seconds without required of any important documents, and once after your registration, you will get approved to become a more personalized brand of your customers, although it is easy to register on Goodsdream with no times on few clicks but also a bit of hard to get approval soon, and you will be approved within next 24-36 hours. And then after successful of your registration, you will be assigned a digital featured brand store of your complete business and you will have to set up this like a personalized brand store. where you can manage each and everything about your business and your brand.
as if you can manage your entire product and inventory, you can add your physical & digital products, and also the possibility to sell any customized product easily, you can also add or make catalogs for your business to easily share or show to your every client and customer. You can manage your every order very very well in a systematic way with a better-facilitated option on, you can also create an offer and share it with every customer, also possible to stick this offer coupon to your brand store in front of every customer visiting your brand store, and your customers will also be able to get direct support from you in case of anything important to them regarding their order and you will see more so on… once you really register your business on Goodsdream to explore more about your business and represent your brand and business like a D2C personalized brand of business in front of your every customer.
you can also sell offline too with a pickup store option from your brand store and business for every customer to visit your live front store if you have a nearby shop around your customers, we also follow the policy for our every vendor and business partner just not only to be able to sell “COD” but also the “Prepaid order” as well if you only just want to sell prepaid order but you better should understand the points about selling only prepaid order if you wish to sell only with an option of “prepaid order” and you can also manage your data and account of your complete business. There is still more to tell that really might help you to do your every business very efficiently with the help of Goodsdream, which you really will be able to see just after once complete register of your business because we have just created this with a better understanding of helping every business like us for our better future of doing business.
Now let the customer know about you and tell them everything about your business and brand easily
So now if someone your customers and clients ask you to share them your product picture, product catalogs, business profile, your reviews, and anything about your business, so you don’t need to go around over multiple platforms one by one to search for your product & catalog pictures, reviews, business profile and so on about your business, you better now can share your entire business with one click to them anywhere just before he asks for anything else more than their expectation what they asked to share, which they can see each and everything about your business just from one place and also find & see more about your business easily and can visit your brand store directly just then and there only from.
This will save so much hassle and time without any single disturbance to anyone either by each other for both of you to ask for sharing anything by your clients and customers about your business one after another thing and also for you to share everything about your business and brand to your clients and customers within just seconds of times even during your busy working hours, instead of going searching over multiple platforms one by one with a waste of your times for one after another thing.
It is not just up to this, you can also even share your entire brand store and your business to everyone your relatives, your friends, and your customers so that every customer can also directly come to visit your brand store and business just from their social media only, and can also follow your brand store and your business to visit next time directly from their (customers) dashboard for your best products and services if you are able to provide them a good enough quality of products with good customer service for their experience.
Just find everything from your customers to managing your data and account and so on… everything about your business in your hand
Our every business and vendor partner will always just get to see each and everything related to their business just from their brand store only in one place, they almost will have everything of their business just in their brand store from finding their customers to their own business profile like a social media, their review, their ledger book, their account and data, their entire inventory, their content and all about their business as soon as they open the shutter of their brand store (if login to their store/dashboard account), just similar to this if they shut down the shutter of their store (if log out of their store/dashboard account) everything will always be just right there only inside their brand store till the next time they open the shutter of their store a next another day just like a physical store even more than that.
Our aim is with our every vendor and business partners
We just wish our every vendor and business partner like us to build a strong & great customer base and build a relation with their customer with the help of mini CRM and retarget their customers through the content marketing from their own article as facilitated by Goodsdream for our every business and vendors partner to always retain their every past/old customer and get new more customers, and try to become a personalized brand store with the help of Goodsdream with the possibility of resources and it is just because only for the better future of your business in long term always due to high raising competition and challenges for every business like us because now the time is, the closer you stay with customers the far better you will lead your business to growth, away from every competition.
We thank you
Thank you for giving your time so far, So now go to google and search for Goodsdream and register your business on and keep giving your feedback and opinion to help us improve more on this with something much better ahead that will always help all businesses like us with your one feedback and opinion.
“Kyu ki ab market me jeetne se pehale apne business me jeeto aur ab business apna sabhi customer ke saath kare aur ab apne business ke liye kuchh apna kare.”
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